Common questions related with Lvbu products are listed. for further more questions, pls. click here.

Manual / Video / Question / Service
  • What if I tap the lock icon in the APP?

    When you tap the lock icon in the APP, the motor will be disabled. The motor will not work, but you can still ride the bike as a normal bike. When you move the bike, it will alarm (except the BT series, there is no buzzer inside the controller of BT series). And when you push the bike reversely ther...
  • Where can I see the battery level?

    You can see the battery level in the APP.
  • How does the Lvbu wheel recognize uphill?

    Lvbu wheel has a built-in six-axis gyroscope, which can sense the slope of the road such as uphill and downhill. But if you want to detect the slope of the road correctly, you must calibrate the gyroscope angle on the level ground first. The way how gyroscope works is as below: The purpose of c...
  • What are included in the package of the ebike kits? How can I buy a spare part?

    The Items are listed in the table below and you can click on it to buy a spare part:KX30S All in one ebike kitKF30S bottle battery ebike kitKD sereis saddle bag battery ebike kitKN20S bottle battery ebike kitBZ Series Rear rack battery ebike kitHub(Inc. Battery,controller&motor) with rim and tir...
  • How does the pedal assist work?

    The kit has an “intelligent assist control module” which works in conjunction with a gyroscope calculating the power you need. It will assist you automatically when you are pedalling. The motor will not work until the speed reaches 5km/h. The system will increase the power when you go uphill and w...
  • What if I don’t know my wheel/tyre size?

    This is a common question. Your tyre size should be written on the side of your tyre. There will be a series of numbers showing the diameter and width. It will look something like this: 700c x 29. Occasionally different cycle manufacturers will use a different scale. If you have any problems wo...
  • Do I need a mobile phone to operate my bike?

    No, using your mobile phone is your choice. If you want, you can download the Wepower app, where you can set the pedal assist mode, see the speed, temperature, battery level and mileage covered. But this is entirely optional, and the bike will function perfectly without it
  • Can I buy a spare battery?

    Yes. We find the vast majority of people don’t need a spare, but if you want to go on very long bike rides you can double your range by charging a spare battery and taking it with you. You can purchase a spare battery here.
  • Do I have to use the thumb controller?

    No. The thumb controller is your choice. We find that some of our customers prefer not to use the thumb controller and that’s fine, the bike will automatically work on the pedal assist mode.
  • Can I put the battery in my pannier instead of attaching it to the crossbar?

    The battery holder must be positioned at an upward slope, therefore it’s best to be fixed on to your bike-frame. This is because there is a gyroscope inside it, which is part of the pedal assist technology.