Common questions related with Lvbu products are listed. for further more questions, pls. click here.

Manual / Video / Question
  • APP instruction video

    Open the following link to see the APP instruction: https://www.lvbu.tech/media/video/app
  • Where can I download the app?

    You can download the APP by the following ways: Scan the QR code on the products to download the APP; Scan the QR code on the manual and download the APP; Download the APP in the link: https://www.lvbu.tech/en/app/download; Search "Wepower" in APP Store or Google Play to do...
  • How to connect the kits with the APP?

    Open the APP and allow all the permissions that the APP asks for. And tap the magnified glass icon on the right top of the APP to search for the Bluetooth address. Select the right address of your kit in the list to connect.  *Note: Please connect the kit in the APP, don’t connect it in th...
  • What are the functions of the APP?

    The APP has two main kinds of functions as following: Set the parameters:①Search and bind the Lvbu ebike kit: You need to search and bind the kit with the APP when you use it first time.②Calibrate the gyroscope angle: The gyroscope angle must be calibrated after the first time you attach or rea...
  • How to modify the wheel name?

    After you connect to the kit for the first time, the APP will pop up a text input field to modify the wheel name. You can also modify it by the two methods as below: Tap the name of the wheel on the main view of the APP to edit the name; Find the name on the setting page and tap on it to ...
  • Can I connect the Lvbu ebike kit to a mobile phone and a Bluetooth display at the same time?

    LVBU Wheel cannot be connected to both the mobile phone APP and the Bluetooth display at the same time, it can only connect to a single device at the same time. When you connect to the Bluetooth display, you can no longer connect to the mobile phone. One of the devices must be disconnected before th...
  • Can I have the customized APP?

    Yes, we can customize the APP for you, please contact our sales to learn more details about it.
  • Do I have to connect to the APP while riding?

    No, you don’t have to connect the kit with the APP when you are riding. The assist system is written in the controller, not in the APP. But before the first time you use it, you must calibrate the gyro angle for the bike. You can set the assist grade in the APP and put your phone in your pocket. The...
  • I can’t connect the kit with the mobile phone with bluetooth?

    Make sure the battery is not dead; Make sure the kit is not connected to any other device (phone or display) by Bluetooth, disconnect it if there is any; Don’t connect it in the operation system of the phone, connect it in the APP; Make sure the Bluetooth of the phone is switched on a...
  • Unable to enter [Wepower] APP Settings Center

    Enter the phone settings page, open the application settings, find the [Wepower] APP, and change the device access permissions to allow; In the [Wepower] APP, search for the LVBU Wheel again, after binding the LVBU Wheel, you can enter the [Wepower] setting center.