
What preparations are needed for long-distance cycling?

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What preparations are needed for long-distance cycling?

product:Rear rack ebike kit 02-28

As a cyclist, many have dreams of exploring the unknown on their beloved bicycles. However, before embarking on a long-distance cycling journey, it's important to accumulate some basic cycling experience and make sufficient preparations. Long-distance cycling presents more challenges and uncertainties than daily cycling, so it's important to plan ahead and understand factors such as road conditions.

Firstly, it's important to determine the destination and route. It's also important to pay attention to weather forecasts in the days leading up to the trip to avoid dangerous situations. The intensity of long-distance cycling should not be too great, and daily distances should be planned reasonably to avoid setting high goals that cannot be achieved or low goals that lack a sense of accomplishment.

Secondly, it's recommended to cycle with companions and carry ample supplies. In long-distance cycling, traveling with others can provide a safety net in case of unexpected situations. Cyclists should carry 2-3 liters of water, dry food, energy gels, or other easy-to-store and transport foods to replenish fluids and obtain energy quickly.

In addition to personal equipment such as clothing, backpacks, helmets, glasses, gloves, and cycling shoes, it's important to bring tools such as simple bicycle repair tools, pumps, spare tires, brake pads, chain oil, and easily damaged parts. Medications such as cold medicine, stomach medicine, heatstroke medicine, and band-aids should also be included.

Furthermore, cyclists can choose to use electric assist cycling equipment to reduce muscle strain and make cycling easier. In climbing or headwind situations, increasing electric assist can make cycling more effortless. Proper use of electric assist not only improves comfort during cycling but also ensures better handling of various road conditions and challenges. Moreover, utilizing electric assist during long-distance cycling can help conserve energy, enabling cyclists to better enjoy the joy of cycling without fatigue.

The BZ shelf series from Lvbu includes an electric motor wheelset, a shelf controller, and a battery box. By simply replacing the wheel and installing the battery, your bicycle can be upgraded to an electric-assisted bicycle in just 10 minutes. The high-performance permanent magnet motor provides ample power to handle even rugged terrain with ease. Additionally, the entire motor wheelset contains the necessary components, so there's no need for additional assembly, making it very convenient to use. For the battery, Lvbu uses 18650 power lithium-ion cells with a single cell capacity of up to 3000 milliamps. There are two configurations with 50 and 60 cores available, which can achieve an assist endurance of 150-180 km. What's more, the smart taillight function is integrated into the rear of the battery box, automatically turning on during turning or braking to provide clear driving signals. Meanwhile, the remaining power level is easy to see, providing peace of mind when cycling at night.

Are you ready to set off? With Lvbu, we believe that the dream of long-distance cycling is no longer out of reach.

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