
Why do 80% of people choose the Lvbu electric bicycle kit to assist their bicycles?

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Why do 80% of people choose the Lvbu electric bicycle kit to assist their bicycles?

product:BT Saddle battery ebike kit 08-21

Did you know that cycling can actually be quite strenuous on the knees? Electric assist bicycles, through their motor-driven systems, provide additional assistance to the bike, helping to avoid excessive strain on the knees and prevent soreness. This makes cycling more relaxed and effortless.

Several electric bike motor kits from Lvbu factory offer three driving modes: pedal-assist, power-assist, and pure electric mode. When starting a ride with plenty of energy, you can use the pedal-assist mode. If you encounter uphill climbs, winding roads, or feel low on stamina, you can activate the electric bike kit for additional assistance. And when you're completely exhausted, you still have the option to turn any bike into an ebike for a fully powered ride.

During cycling, you can choose the appropriate mode based on your own condition. Especially with power-assist, where you pedal while the bicycle hub motor provides additional power, it allows you to maintain your enthusiasm for exercise regardless of whether it's a hot summer or cold winter. It also reduces the pedaling pressure on cyclists.

Electric assist kit is not considered cheating by many riders; instead, it is seen as a lifestyle that helps protect oneself during moderate physical activity. This type of cycling method is suitable for various scenarios such as commuting without exertion, fitness training, or weekend outings. You can turn off the assist when starting to exercise more and then turn it on when feeling tired on the way back without getting too exhausted.

Indeed, the introduction of electric assist conversion kit has increased people's interest in cycling. It provides a more leisurely and relaxed experience, making it easier for more individuals to dedicate time to this activity for exercise. This is something that traditional bicycles may not be able to offer. That is perhaps the significance of riding an electric bike conversion kit.

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